With ChameleonPLM Satellite, unleash the full power of your PTC FlexPLM data. Our super smart Satellite tool pulls data from PTC FlexPLM, mash ups with your purchase order, ERP and CRM data, then publishes live to visual, fully-featured reporting and business tools.

Robust Reporting
Satellite reports include grids, graphs, pie charts, sourcing maps, and many more. View full color FlexPLM images and visual data relationships, and easily navigate with a few simple clicks.
Easily search, filter, group, sort, and analyze your business in all new, amazing and powerful ways. Auto workflows, email and other notifications are included. Plus we offer a whole bunch of really slick business tools including Techpack Manager, Materials Developer, Catalog Builder, Vendor Portal, and Flex Mobile Explorer to finally deliver the extra features and functions you’ve always wanted.

Why ChameleonPLM Satellite?
Having your live PTC FlexPLM data at your fingertips allows you to easily analyze your product development data and make better informed business decisions, every day.
Sound unbelievable? Request a live demo and see for yourself.